

MONO Plywood
in collaboration with Alvar Silvennoinen


Inspired by the strong expression and identity of the monumental and monolithic egyptian architecture, as well as the recurring shapes and textures of traditional objects and sculptures. This was translated into a stool with its own strong identity and details honoring the historical and local craftsmanship of Egypt.

The second edition was created in plywood and digitally manufactured in Copenhagen.  MONO Plywood was digitally manufactured in Copenhagen through CNC cutting plywood, achieving a precise and uniform design, with clean lines visible layers enhancing the form. Through the production method of digital manufacturing the stool could be produced locally with local materials anywhere in the world with access to a CNC cutter and the design file, cutting transport of both material and the product, while also cutting costs and adding to local socities. Distributed Design can cut time, costs and transport significally by producing locally while the design is available globally.